Frame Tents vs. Pole Tents

Frame Tents vs. Pole Tents 

There are 2 main styles of tents that are popular in the event rental industry.

The first style is referred to as a “Frame Tent”. This style is referred to as a frame tent because the structure of the tent is a free standing frame often made out of anodized aluminum. There are many advantages to frame tents such as:

-Able to set up on grass or pavement

- No center pole obstruction

-Open floor plan

- Able to move the tent after it is set up

-Able to withstand poor weather conditions

-Does not pocket water

-Aesthetically pleasing


The second popular style is referred to as a “Pole Tent”. Pole tents received their name due to the fact that poles and vinyl are the only components. As pole tents are often cheaper than frame tents due to being made from typically wood and vinyl – in our experience they are much less reliable for these reasons:

 - Collapses in poor weather conditions

- Multiple center poles in the floor plan of the tent

-Unable to move tent once it is set up

-Not as appealing visually

-Tent top often pockets water due to lack of structure

-Cannot be set up on pavement


**Dependable Tents only rents out frame tents to ensure 100% satisfactory and safety with our customers.
